WUDMS Help Contents

Texting Readings

  1. Logging in
  2. Enter Meter Readings
  3. View Data
  4. Texting Readings
  5. Contact Us

Texting Code
Create a new SMS message using the following format:

7,Consent ID,Password,,Meter Reading


  • Always start with a 7, followed by a comma
  • Consent ID followed by a comma
  • Your Password followed by a comma
  • This is followed by the Meter ID
  • This is followed by two commas to record the reading against the date and time the message is sent. If you are texting a reading from a previous day, you must include the date meter was read between the two commas in the form of ddmmyyyy.

    For example, if the reading was taken previously on the 15th September 2009 you would need to enter:
    7,Consent ID,Password,Meter ID,15092009,Meter Reading
  • The last entry is the actual meter reading.

As an example, say your consent number is 12345-0, your password is water1, and you wish to submit a meter reading for meter XYZ123 of 9820. the following is the text message you would send:


Text Your Readings To:

021 190 1304

Texting Tip
Save the format of: 7,Consent ID,Access Code,Meter ID,, as a text template on your mobile phone. Then you only have to enter the meter reading before sending the message.